
This section introduces the core structure of Haydi: domains and basic operations with them. Advanced domains and canonical forms are covered in a separate section: Canonical forms.

Elementary Domains

One of basic structures in Haydi is Domain that represents a generic collection of arbitrary objects. The main operation with domains is to provide a method for iteration and random generation of elements in domain. Domains are composable, i.e. more complex domains can be created from the simpler ones.

There are six elementary domains shipped with Haydi: Range (range of integers), Values (domain of explicitly listed Python objects), Boolean (two-element domain), and NoneDomain (a domain containing only one element: None), USet, and CnfValues.

Domains USet and CnfValues are little bit special and they are designed for enumerating non-isomorphic structures. The topic is covered in Canonical forms; these domains are not used in this section.


>>> import haydi as hd

>>> hd.Range(4)  # Domain of four integers
<Range size=4 {0, 1, 2, 3}>

>>> hd.Values(["Haystack", "diver"])
<Values size=2 {'Haystack', 'diver'}>

>>> hd.Boolean()
<Boolean size=2 {False, True}>

>>> hd.NoneDomain()
<NoneDomain size=1 {None}>


New domains can be created by composing existing ones. There are the following compositions: product, sequences, subsets, mappings, and join.

Cartesian product \((A \times B)\)

Product creates a domain of all ordered tuples; for example:

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> a = hd.Range(2)
>>> b = hd.Values(("a", "b", "c"))
>>> hd.Product((a, b))
<Product size=6 {(0, 'a'), (0, 'b'), (0, 'c'), (1, 'a'), ...}>

alternatively, the same thing can be written by using the infix operator *:

>>> a * b
<Product size=6 {(0, 'a'), (0, 'b'), (0, 'c'), (1, 'a'), ...}>

The product can be created on more than two domains:

>>> hd.Product((a, b, hd.Values["x", "y"]))
<Product size=12{(0, 'a', 'x'), (0, 'a', 'y'), (0, 'b', 'x'), ...}>

>>> a * b * hd.Values(["x", "y"])
<Product size=12{(0, 'a', 'x'), (0, 'a', 'y'), (0, 'b', 'x'), ...}>


Generally, a * b equals to hd.Product((a, b)). However, there is one exception when a is also product. The expression hd.Product((x, y)) * b is equal to hd.Product((x, y, b)) (not hd.Product(hd.Product(x, y), b)). The reason is to enable definining n-ary tuples by multiplication. If you want to avoid this behavior and define “product in product”, then explicitly use hd.Product instead of *.

Sequences \((A^n)\)

Sequences is a shortcut for a product over the same domain. Sequences of a given length can be defined as:

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> a = hd.Range(2)
>>> hd.Sequences(a, 3)  # Sequences of length 3
<Sequences size=8 {(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), ...}>

or sequences with a length in a given range:

>>> hd.Sequences(a, 0, 2)  # Sequences of length 0 to 2
<Sequences size=7 {(), (0,), (1,), (0, 0), ...}>

Sequences of a fixed length can also be created by the ** operator on a domain:

>>> hd.Range(2) ** 3
<Sequences size=8 {(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), ...>

Subsets \((\mathcal{P}(A))\)

The Subsets contains subsets from elements of a given domain; the following example creates the power set:

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> hd.Subsets(hd.Range(2))
<Subsets size=4 {{}, {0}, {0, 1}, {1}}>

When a single argument is provided, it is used to limit subsets to a given size:

>>> hd.Subsets(hd.Range(3), 2)  # Subsets of size 2
<Subsets size=3 {{0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 2}}>

Two arguments limit the subsets to a size in a given range:

>>> hd.Subsets(hd.Range(3), 0, 1)  # Subsets of size between 0 and 1
<Subsets size=4 {{}, {0}, {1}, {2}}>


Type of elements created by Subsets is not the standard Python set, but haydi.Set. For more information, see Set and Map. This behavior can be overridden by argument set_class:

>>> hd.Subsets(hd.Range(2), set_class=frozenset)
<Subsets size=4 {frozenset([]), frozenset([0]), frozenset([0, 1]), ...}>

Mappings \((A \rightarrow B)\)

The domain Mappings contains all mappings from a domain to another domain:

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> a = hd.Range(2)
>>> b = hd.Values(["a", "b"])
>>> hd.Mappings(a, b)
<Mappings size=4 {{0: 'a'; 1: 'a'}, {0: 'a'; 1: 'b'}, {0:  ... a'}, ...}>


Type of elements created by Mappings is not the standard Python dict, but haydi.Map. For more information, see Set and Map. This behavior can be overridden by argument map_class:

>>> hd.Mappings(a, b, map_class=dict)
<Mappings size=4 {{0: 'a', 1: 'a'}, {0: 'a', 1: 'b'}, {0:  ... a'}, ...}>

Join \((A \uplus B)\)

Join operation creates a new domain that contains elements of all given domains (disjoint union):

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> a = hd.Range(2)
>>> b = hd.Values(["abc", "ikl", "xyz"])
>>> c = hd.Values([123])

>>> hd.Join((a, b, c))
<Join size=6 {0, 1, 'abc', 'ikl', ...}>

The same behavior can be also achieved by + operator on domains:

>>> a + b + c
<Join size=6 {0, 1, 'abc', 'ikl', ...}>

Note that Join does not collapse the same elements in the joined domains:

>>> a = hd.Range(2)
>>> b = hd.Range(3)
>>> a + b
<Join size=5 {0, 1, 0, 1, 2}>

Let us make now a small detour: Each domain can create a random element by calling generate_one():

>>> a = hd.Range(2)
>>> b = hd.Values(["abc", "ikl", "xyz"])
>>> c = hd.Values([123])
>>> d = a + b + c
>>> d.generate_one()

By default, domains return each element with the same probability and Join is not an exception. Therefore, each element of d has probablity 1/6 to be returned by generate_one() (d has six elements).

This can be changed by ratios argument:

>>> d2 = hd.Join((a, b, c), ratios=(1, 1, 1))

First, we choose with the same probability (1:1:1) from which subdomain we want to pick an element and generate_one() is called on the selected domain. Therefore 123 will occur with probability 1/3; “ikl” has probability 1/9.

Laziness of domains

A domain is generally a lazy object that does not eagerly construct its elements. Therefore if we use code like this:

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> a = hd.Range(1000000)
>>> a * a * a
<Product size=1000000000000000000 {(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2), (0, 0, 3), ...}>

we obtain the result instantly, it only instantiates first few objects for the repr string. The ways how to instantiate elements from a domain is explained in Pipeline.


Another way of creating new domains is applying a transformation on an existing domain. There are two basic transformations: map and filter.


Map transformation takes elements of a domain and applies a function to each element to create a new domain:

>>> a = hd.Range(4).map(lambda x: x * 10)
>>> a
<MapTransformation size=4 {0, 10, 20, 30}>

The resulting object is again a domain. For example we can make a product of it:

>>> a * a
<Product size=16 {(0, 0), (0, 10), (0, 20), (0, 30), ...}>


Filter transformation creates a new domain by removing some elements from an existing domain. What elements are removed is configured by providing a function that is called for each element and should return True/False. When the function returns True, then the element is put into the new domain.

>>> hd.Range(10).filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0 and x > 5)
<FilterTransformation size=10 filtered>

As we can see, the returned repr string is a different from what we have seen so far. The flag ‘filtered’ means that domain contains a filter transformation and the size argument is not exact but only an upper bound. The reason is that to obtain a real size we need to apply the filter function to each element (which would require going through a potentially very large domain).

If we transform the domain into the list, we force the evaluation of the domain and obtain:

>>> list(a)
[6, 8]

The ‘filtered’ flag is propaged during the composition of domains. When a domain is created by composing at least one filtered domain, it is also filtered:

>>> p = a * a
<Product size=100 filtered>


It is possible to provide a name for a domain as an argument in the domain constructor. This name serves only for debugging purposes. For example:

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> a = hd.Range(10, name="MyRange")
>>> a
<MyRange size=10 {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}>

>>> a = hd.Range(10)
>>> hd.Product((a, a), name="MyProduct")
<MyProduct size=100 {(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), ...}>