
This section contains a description of working with elements of domains. The main message of this section is that there are three basic methods of creating a stream of elements from a domain:

  • iterate() – stream of all elements in domain
  • cnfs() – stream of all canonical elements in domain
  • generate() – stream of random elements from domain

The rest of this section describes the whole machinery in more detail. If you are interested in sequential computations only, and you want to handle the stream manually, you can just directly use Python iterators as follows:

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> for x in hd.Subsets(hd.Range(10)).generate(5):  # print five random subsets
>>>     print x

The purpose of the pipeline is to simplify some common operations and enable transparent distributed computations.


The whole pipeline is composed of the following elements:

  • Domain – a domain as described in the previous section
  • Method – how to take elements from the domain into the stream
  • Transformations – transformations of the stream
  • Action – final aggregation of results
  • Run – the actual invocation of the pipeline


There are three methods how we can walk through a domain: iterate, iterate through canonical forms and random generation.


A pipeline that iterates through all elements is created by method iterate():

>>> import haydi as hd
>>> domain = hd.Range(2) * hd.Range(2)
>>> domain.iterate()
<Pipeline for Product: method=iterate action=Collect>

Calling iterate() on a domain creates a pipeline object. Moreover, we can also see that the default action is Collect. This action simply takes all elements and put them into the list. More details about actions can be found in Section Actions.

The pipeline is a lazy object and no elements are actually constructed. To run the pipeline, we need to call run() method:

>>> domain.iterate().run()
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]

The iterate() method iterates through all elements in the domain. It is guaranteed that each element in the domain occurs in the stream in the same number of occurrences as in the domain. The actual order of elements in the stream is not guaranteed.

Canonical forms

Iterating over canonical elements is a more complex operation, hence there is a dedicated section about this topic: Canonical forms.

Random elements

A pipeline that generates random elements from a domain is created by method generate(count=None), where the optional parameter count specifies the number of generated elements:

>>> domain = hd.Range(2) * hd.Range(2)
>>> domain.generate(5)
[(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 1)]

By default, all elements are generated with the same probability, however it can be configured in some places. See the API documentation for Join.

When the argument of generate is None, then we obtain an infinite pipeline of random instances. It usually makes sense in combination with a filter and setting a limit after the filter.

For example, the following code generates 10 pairs whose sum is 11:

>>> domain = hd.Range(10) * hd.Range(10)
>>> domain.generate().filter(lambda x: x[0] + x[1] == 11).take(5).run()  
[(3, 8), (5, 6), (9, 2), (3, 8), (6, 5)]

Transformation take(5) limits the pipeline for the first five elements. As an exercise we left what happens when we put 5 as the argument for generate and remove the take. TODO


The current version offers three pipeline transformations:

  • map(fn) – maps the function fn on each element that goes through the pipeline
  • filter(fn) – filters elements in the pipeline according to the provided function
  • take(count) – takes only first count elements from pipeline

At the first sight, there is an overlap between transformations on domains and in the pipeline. In fact, they have in many cases completely the same effect:

>>> domain = hd.Range(5)
>>> domain.map(lambda x: x * 10).iterate().run()  # Create a new domain and then iterate
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]
>>> domain.iterate().map(lambda x: x * 10).run()  # Transformation in pipeline
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

So why distinguish transformations in pipelines and on domains? The reason is that in the pipeline, we know that process of the domain creation is completed and have more freedom for additional features and optimizations. We already have a stream of elements; therefore, we can introduce take transformation. Moreover, the pipeline transformations do not have limitation in case of Strict domains that are important in the usage of cnfs().

For performance reasons, pipeline transformations provide more opportunities for efficient distributed computations. Therefore, Haydi prefers map and filter transformations as pipeline transformations rather than domain transformations. For this reason, Haydi automatically moves last transformations on domains to the pipeline; therefore, the above example actually creates the same pipeline (with one pipeline transformation):

>>> domain.map(lambda x: x * 10).iterate()
<Pipeline for Range: method=iterate ts=[MapTransformation] action=Collect>
>>> domain.iterate().map(lambda x: x * 10)
<Pipeline for Range: method=iterate ts=[MapTransformation] action=Collect>

Of course ‘inner’ domain transformations cannot be moved. For example the following code creates a pipeline without any transformation (the transformation remains hidden inside the domain composition):

>>> domain = hd.Subsets(hd.Range(3).map(lambda x: x * x))
>>> domain.iterate().run()
[{}, {0}, {0, 1}, {0, 1, 4}, {0, 4}, {1}, {1, 4}, {4}]
>>> domain.iterate()
<Pipeline for Subsets: method=iterate action=Collect>


Action is a terminal operation on a stream of elements. The list of operations follows; more details can be found in API documentation of Pipeline.


Action collect creates a list from the stream:

>>> hd.Range(5).iterate().collect().run()
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

The collect is the default action; therefore, the above code is equivalent to:

>>> hd.Range(5).iterate().run()
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]


Action first takes the first element from the stream. If the stream is empty it returns the provided argument (the default is None).

>>> hd.Range(5).iterate().first().run()
>>> hd.Range(5).filter(lambda x: x > 10).first().run()  
>>> hd.Range(5).filter(lambda x: x > 10).first("no value").run()
'no value'


Action reduce applies a binary operation on elements of the stream:

>>> hd.Range(10).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y).run()

You can optionally specify an initial value:

>>> hd.Range(10).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, -3).run()

It is assumed by default that the operation is associative, if that is not true, you have to explicitly specify it:

>>> hd.Range(10).reduce(lambda x, y: x - y, 100, associative=False).run()


Action max gathers maximal elements in the stream, optionally it can take a function that extracts a value from the element that is used for comparison. The second optional argument specifies the limit of maximal elements. No more than the limit number of elements is returned; the rest of maximal elements is thrown away. Which maximal elements are thrown away and what are returned is not specified. If the value of the second argument is None (default) then all maximal elements are returned:

>>> domain = hd.Range(5) * hd.Range(5)

>>> domain.max().run()
[(4, 4)]

>>> domain.max(lambda x: x[0]).run()  # Maximum in the first element in the pair
[(4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)]

>>> domain.max(lambda x: x[0], 2).run()  # At most two maximal elements
[(4, 0), (4, 1)]


Action groups divides elements in the stream into groups according to a key. The method takes a function that is applied on each element to obtain the key.

>>> hd.Range(10).groups(lambda x: x % 3).run()
{0: [0, 3, 6, 9], 1: [1, 4, 7], 2: [2, 5, 8]}

Optionally, it takes an integer argument that limits the size of groups. No more than the limit number of elements is returned for each group. What elements in the group are thrown away and what are returned is not specified.

>>> hd.Range(10).groups(lambda x: x % 3, 2).run()
{0: [0, 3], 1: [1, 4], 2: [2, 5]}


This is an extension of Groups action that also returns the total number of elements including the elements that was thrown away. The total number of elements is returned at the first index of the lists:

>>> hd.Range(10).groups_counts(lambda x: x % 3, 2).run()
{0: [4, 0, 3], 1: [3, 1, 4], 2: [3, 2, 5]}


The run(ctx=None, timeout=None, otf_trace=False) method invokes the pipeline. By default, it creates and executes a sequential computation without any time limit. This can be changed by arguments.

The ctx parameter defines a context used for the execution of the the pipeline. Providing an instance of a distributed context, makes the pipeline parallel and distributed, see distributed computation.

Parameter timeout expects float (a number of seconds) or a timedelta object. This defines the maximum time of the computation. If the allocated time runs out, the computation is stopped and a partial result is returned.


To make the code more concise, there are the following defaults defined for the pipeline:

  • Method: iterate
  • Transformations: None
  • Action: collect
  • Run: run()

Therefore, we can call .run() directly on domain and obtain the same results as using .iterate().collect().run(). It automatically creates the default pipeline.

In the same manner, we can also directly call actions on a domain. It creates a pipeline with iterate() method.


>>> hd.Range(5).run()  # .iterate().collect() is used
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> hd.Range(5).max().run()  # .iterate() is used

When we create an iterator from a domain or a pipeline, we obtain an iterator to the result of pipeline where missing elements are filled by defaults:

>>> list(hd.Range(5))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> list(hd.Range(5).map(lambda x: x * x))
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

>>> list(hd.Range(5).max())

Immutability of pipelines

Pipelines are immutable objects (as same domains); therefore, calling methods on them actually creates new objects. It is thus safe to reuse them:

>>> pipeline = hd.Range(5).iterate()
>>> pipeline.take(2).run()
[0, 1]
>>> pipeline.max().run()